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Goals: * Post additional Warning Signs advising of unpredictable weather conditions, such as winds, cold water temperatures and currents and the importance of wearing proper Life Vests (PFD’s). We wish to place at popular launching sites beginning with Monmouth County. * Distribute educational flyers focusing on currents, air conditions, water temperatures, and the importance of PFDs to paddle sports outfitters and encourage them to provide in hand to customers who purchase or rent non-motorized water crafts. We want everyone to be aware of the potential risks prior to getting in the water. This is critical to novice boaters. Safety Boating Classes should be strongly encouraged. - * Encourage outfitters to promote the purchase of appropriate paddle sports gear and clothing (esp. off-season) and explain the necessity of wearing a PFD at all times, in all types of water.
- Educate in children's school assemblies, scouts, clubs, etc.
- * Distribute our Foundation-sponsored version of "Cold Water Boot Camp", essentially a 10-minute video on water safety that demonstrates the importance of wearing PFD's and the hazardous effects of cold water/air temperatures when paddling unprepared. Request that paddle sports outfitters show the video looping in their stores, and require that their customers watch at the time of purchase of a non-motorized boating craft (offer incentive).
- * Work with paddle sports outfitters to compile emergency safety kits to be provided at time of purchase of a non-motorized water craft. Donate PFD's and safety kits to targeted outfitters to provide to first time kayak buyers at the start of boating season each year.